Thursday, 28 February 2013

Things to do!

Artstudentfriend asked if I wanted an upholstery project and it has gone from shabby to skeletal in an hour and a half! An exciting new project.

I'm also making 'new' curtains out of some old ones for Friendwithmatchinggirls who's moved house recently.

And I'm supposed to be potting marmalade as I type...


Sarah said...

I've had terrible problems with marmalade recently. Has yours set okay or did you have to resort adding pectin? Mine had me tearing my hair out!

hausfrau said...

I confess: I added about a pound of jam sugar along with ordinary granulated because I often find getting a set tricky! But I do think it makes a difference if I can get a proper rolling boil ie something verging on the "Ahh! It's going to overflow!"

Curry Queen said...

Look forward to seeing the finished product!