Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Show time

It is holiday time and we’re off to Dorset in stages (Eldest goes with friends tomorrow, Youngest returns to the UK on Friday and we go Sunday), but before that I wanted to show you Eldest’s cake for her father’s birthday:

3, not 53, clearly

And my entries for the village show:
A dressed doll or bear: (the poor girl is over 40 but seemed pleased with her new outfit) dressed for a British summer!
Possibly a little over the top?

A crocheted item: a little devil who's a little underwhelming?

And two entries for the liqueur class: Sloe Gin and Apple Vodka…

Happy holidays!


Sarah said...

Super collection of goodies there. The doll's outfit looks stunning and the devil looks really cute.

The train looks pretty yummy - well done your daughter because it also looks quite complicated to fit together.

janicebotterill said...

I hear congratulations are in order! Well done you and well deserved. Hope to catch up soon...