Monday, 19 April 2010

Everything in the garden is yellow

Everything in the garden is yellow: there are daffodils and primulas in every direction. But when you get up close there's my favorite blue!
From top to bottom: omphalodes, pulmonaria, viola, muscari.


janicebotterill said...

Looking gorgeous! Hope you had a lovely Easter. Everything in my garden is green - ground elder, again. Am slowly clearing it with the help of granny. Now I need plants to cover up the bare soil!

Ms Scarlet said...

The flowers look gorgeous.
Off topic - I have just read your post regarding the BBC4 series 'Women'.
Thank goodness I wasn't the only one who saw this fiasco! I was also tearing my hair out.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Sadly, nothing appears to be blooming in my garden this year (where IS everything?). If it wasn't for the washing line there'd be no colour at all.

Anonymous said...

Hello. Yes, very yellow, and Scarlet Blue too.

hausfrau said...

Thank-you for your kind comments. Countrymummy I know of a very good plant sale coming up near you... can you wait until June? I find my ground elder a useful green backdrop (not) and was pleased to see some flourishung in the naked gardeners' garden on a visit last year!
Hello Scarlet Blue, nice to see you and very pleased to get your thoughts on 'Women'. I'm afraid I couldn't bring myself to watch the rest of the series, even the adverts appalled me.
Notwavingbutironing I'm sure your washing adds a beautiful rainbow to your garden and the flowers will turn up one day.
Hi mago, welcome!